The Author


The author, Aaron Rosen, that’s me in the photo (I’m the one without the tail), was born on April 18, 1937 in Philadelphia, PA. I went to Overbrook High in the same years as Wilt The Stilt, but didn’t know him personally as I was neither a jock nor a sports fan. I went to MIT from 1955-1959, but my degree is in 1961 because I was a bit of a screw up and that’s a bit of an understatement.

I came to California in 1959 and went to work on the XB-70 bomber and the X-15 rocket research aircraft. Computers were relatively new and I became interested in programming. Mostly my computer work was related to aircraft and space vehicles. I retired when I was 40, moved to the country, got divorced and went back to work. Along the way I owned and operated three tropical fish stores.

I finally wound up living alone on a cattle ranch on a hilltop and that’s when I started to write. It got lonely – the cattle didn’t talk much – so I found Schroedinger (he’s the one with the tail in the photo) and life took a turn for the better. It got orders of magnitude better when I met my now wife, Sandy. She encouraged me to finish the first book, “On Brick And Mortar Retailing” and now has inspired me to finish this one. I won’t give the website address for this book since, if you’re reading this, you’re already on it.