
Excerpt #3:

CATIONARY (Cat Dictionary)

Catabolic = Description of the action of a misbehaving cat
Catacaustic = Burning sensation when cat bites
Cataclysm =  When a cat bites you for no apparent reason
Catacomb = A comb for a cat
Catalogue = A meowing cat’s performance
Catalyst = A feline psychologist
Catalytic Converter = A feline evangelist
Catalyze = What feline psychiatrist does
Catamenial = One who cleans cat boxes
Catamite = Kitten
Catamount = Device he sits on so he can survey his kingdom
Cataplasm = What comes out when grass goes in
Catapult = What you are when you step on a cat’s tail and he jumps up
Cataract = What he does when he wants to go outside and I’m sleeping
Catastrophe = A feline punctuation mark
Catatonic = Italian nostrum for when he has hair balls
Catarrh =What he says when he takes catatonic
Catechism = The feline rules a cat follows to drive you crazy
Categoric = A frightening movie about cats being attacked by bulls
Catenation = A group of cats in a neighborhood
Concatenation = A group of cats in the next neighborhood
Cathedral = A nine faced solid depicting the lives of a cat
Cathexis = The spell a cat puts on you if you don’t obey him

I’m sure that you get the idea of what I was trying to accomplish with the Cattionary. If it tickles you, as it did me, and you think you can come up with an entry, please feel free to use the Contact Us page and submit it. If I like it and include it in the book, I’ll give you credit for it and send you a free book when they are available. If it just goes on the website, you’ll still get credit for it.

Bear in mind that the book will be read to children, so keep it clean. My original version of cataclysm was – a feline orgasm. My wife made me change that one even though I don’t think that’s bad.

Aaron Rosen